
The Caucasian Dark Hands of America

by Alex Hutchins

Here is where Hillary Clinton stands on 12 issues:
  1. Education: Make public college debt-free. Fund universal pre-K. Against No Child Left Behind. Position unknown on Common Core.
  2. Guns: Ban several types of assault weapons. Repeal protections for gun makers. Create a comprehensive background check system and close loopholes.
  3. Healthcare: Give the government a role is setting insurance rates. Expand Obamacare but do not attempt to create a universal healthcare system now.
  4. Immigration: Continue DACA and DAPA programs to waive deportation and expand them. Give undocumented residents a path to legal status.
  5. Jobs and Wages: $275 billion stimulus plan. Tax credits for jobs. Raise federal minimum wage to $12 an hour.
  6. Marijuana: “Wait and see” on overall legalization.
  7. Social Issues: Abortion should be legal. So should same-sex marriage.
  8. Taxes: A series of targeted tax credits for the middle class. Raise capital gains taxes.
  9. Israel: Work toward a two-state solution. Do not necessarily freeze settlement building.
  10. Iran: Support framework for nuclear deal. Continue diplomacy efforts and some sanctions.
  11. Islamic State: No boots on the ground. Use regional troops.
  12. Trade: Clinton announced last year that she does not support the Trans-Pacific Partnership as it currently stands.

Here is where Donald Trump stands on various issues:
  1. Millions are helped by Planned Parenthood, but defund it. (Feb 2016)
  2. Planned Parenthood does great work on women's health. (Feb 2016)
  3. The Fed should refinance debt to reduce interest payments. (May 2016)
  4. Don't take sides with Israel, so we can lead negotiations. (Feb 2016)
  5. I could negotiate a deal with Israel and Palestinians. (Feb 2016)
  6. Figure out who our allies are. (Feb 2016)
  7. Iran deal is one of the worst I've ever seen. (Feb 2016)
  8. I take advantage of devalued Chinese currency; but stop them. (Mar 2016)
  9. It's not free trade with China; it's stupid trade. (Mar 2016)
  10. It's not free trade with China; it's stupid trade. (Mar 2016)
  11. I've been moving clothing-making from China to U.S. (Mar 2016)
  12. With a $58 billion trade deficit, Mexico will pay for wall. (Feb 2016)
  13. Trade pacts are no good for us and no good for our workers. (Feb 2016)
  14. U.S. has become dumping ground for everybody else's problems. (Feb 2016)
  15. China should make Kim Jong Un disappear. (Feb 2016)
  16. China totally controls North Korea; they're just taunting us. (Jan 2016)
  17. I will save Social Security with more jobs, less waste. (Feb 2016)
  18. I don't want to be politically correct: Islam hates us. (Mar 2016)
  19. Snowden was a spy; if Russia respected us, they'd deport him. (Mar 2016)
  20. Charge rich countries like Germany more to defend them. (Feb 2016)
  21. Keep Gitmo open, and load it up with bad dudes. (Feb 2016)
  22. How did W keep us safe? WTC came down during his watch. (Feb 2016)
  23. Bring back waterboarding and a hell of a lot worse. (Feb 2016)
  24. I don't want to be politically correct: Islam hates us. (Mar 2016)
  25. Snowden was a spy; if Russia respected us, they'd deport him. (Mar 2016)
  26. Charge rich countries like Germany more to defend them. (Feb 2016)
  27. Keep Gitmo open, and load it up with bad dudes. (Feb 2016)
  28. How did W keep us safe? WTC came down during his watch. (Feb 2016)
  29. Bring back waterboarding and a hell of a lot worse. (Feb 2016)
  30. Police can't act due to disrespect; but weed out bad ones. (Feb 2016)
Yes, it is true that Trump has a list that is two and a half times longer than the list of Hillary, but Trump has gotten rather specific on some issues (2016) and Clinton seems to be following a variation of Democratic Party Lines which gives me the impression that it is not really her actual beliefs at all... although, I could be wrong here.
Trump, on the other hand, lays out how he feels, and articulates those feelings in a way that are not consistent with Republican Party Values and/or beliefs.

But, what would be most beneficial of the people of the United States not necessarily the politics of our government as it intermingles with the politics of other governments?

Who is answering that question?

Personally, I do understand that the rest of the world is not even close to our standard of living and that the world is full of poverty, poor health conditions, and in need of water and food, but is not the sovereign right of those countries in which those people live to take care of them or to not take care of them? And, if that is something that we all believe, then why should any part of America be over there helping out, especially when they do not really want our help?

Do, we really have a responsibility because of who we are and what we have to take care of the rest of the world... when there are absolutely no other countries in the world that share those same feelings to the point that they will help us with money, people, and resources.

Sadly, we sent people out around the world to help other countries when the irony is that we cannot even help ourselves these days solve our own problems.

Globalization, for instance, was not to help the American people directly (although it has helped indirectly), it was specifically designed and entered into by President Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as a methodology for making our companies wealthier than they already were by focusing on selling goods and services to the rest of the world which included providing employment so that they could purchase these goods and services that were being offered.

Americans then stood around with their heads up their asses because they did not have anywhere else to put them... and, still don't for that matter.

So, when you look at these two candidates for President of our country, let me suggest that you vote for the one that will take the best care of the American People... and, it really does not matter if that preferred candidate withholds information or if they are not willing to be politically correct... because what really matters is that which is ultimately done for the American people as a whole.

  • It is foolish to think that there is actually going to be a World War III...
  • It is foolish to think that we are going to be taken over by Russia or China...
  • It is foolish to think that the world is not going to be able to control terrorism...
  • It is foolish to think that we can do anything to stop global warming...
  • It is foolish to think that man will not be replaced by robots...
  • It is foolish to think that we will not colonized other planets in our galaxy...
  • It is foolish to think that mankind will ever exterminate itself...

And, if and when any of this starts to happen for sure, mankind will be so far advanced technologically that all of these issues will be easily solved.

Global Cooperation MUST take place in order to achieve Global Survivability!!! And, survival is the only motivational factor that we need to fully understand and appreciate... and, that motivation will kick in automatically, as our species as a whole is ever threatened... so, take pause there my friends.

The American People need a political ally, because neither the Democrats nor the Republicans care about the middle class or about the average US citizen anymore... and, it is highly doubtful that they ever did... not even in 1776, when we declared our independence from Great Britain. Our Founding Fathers, created a Democratic Republic, not a Democracy, because a Democratic Republic was in a better position to control the masses. And, these same Founding Fathers created The Electoral College that officially elects the President of the United States not the people in the general election.

So much for TRUST.

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